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Code of Conduct


Elk Meadows Elementary

Code of Conduct

Elk Meadows Vision:

Elk Meadows Falcons are growing to be resilient, lifelong learners.

Elk Meadows is an excellent school where teachers, students, parents, administrators, and staff work together to create a safe, academically rigorous and student focused learning environment.  It is our goal for every student to grow to be resilient, lifelong learners. To accomplish this goal, students at Elk Meadows will follow the Falcon 5 Rules and the Falcon 5 Voice levels.

Falcon 5 Rules 

  1.  Follow adult directions the first time.
  2.  Keep hands, feet, objects, and words to yourself.
  3.  Respect adults, peers, and property.
  4.  Be prepared.
  5.  Be where you are supposed to be.

Falcon 5 Voice Levels

0- Quiet, no talking

1- Whisper

2- Conversation

3- Presentation

4- Outside

Our Code of Conduct

Each classroom has a Hierarchy of Consequences for class rules. A list of class consequences is available from the student’s teacher.  These class expectations could include a warning, consequences for behavior, minutes off preferred activity, loss of classroom reward or other appropriate consequences.

The school administration will help problem solve with teachers when there is an incident that requires additional attention or support.  In instances of bullying, threats, and physical aggression, consequences will be given on a case-by-case basis according to district policy.

Rewards for Following Falcon 5 Rules

  • My school is a safer, more enjoyable place.
  • I get a better education and help others to do the same.
  • I feel confident and safe as I am learning
  • I feel good about myself when I show self-control
  • Falcon Feather
  • Student of the Month Winner
  • Builds trust with staff and peers

Consequences for Not Following Falcon 5 Rules

  • Work with teacher first to resolve situation and allow students to resolve issues together when not significant.
    • Communicate concerns with parents or guardians.
  • Work with administrator to resolve situation.
    • Communicate concerns with parents or guardians.
    • Elk Meadows administration will use natural consequences whenever possible. Ex: If you make a mess, you clean up that mess.
  • Most situations can be resolved by working together (students, teachers, parents, and administrators). In the event of significant behavior (disruptive behavior, fighting, persistent inappropriate language or disrespect of students or staff, bullying, etc.) students may be given a lunch detention, in-school suspension, or suspension out of school according to district policy
  • Examples of other consequences include; one minute skill building, apology letter, contact with parent or guardian, miss class time, make restitution, cleaning, loss of classroom privileges, missing part of all of special activities, recess, lunch in the office, half-day or full day in school or out of school suspension

***Please see student conduct policy at for additional areas of concern.

Reporting Process

  • Students are advised to notify teacher(s) or administrator(s) with concerns. Elk Meadows strives to ensure that all students are safe while at school. Students are encouraged to fill out a statement to document the concern.
  • Parents are encouraged to communicate concerns with teachers first then administrators.
  • Elk Meadows strives to follow district policy regarding bullying and cyber-bullying. Parents and students should report any incidents to the classroom teacher first, then to administration.
  • Please see our Prevention Plan for additional resources on bullying prevention

Education Process for Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff

  • Students receive instruction on Elk Meadows Rules at the beginning of each school year and throughout the year as needed. Multiple students per class are awarded weekly in our Falcon Feather store in the lunchroom on Friday. Once a month our Student of the Month award is presented to two students in each class for academics and following our social skill of the month. Emphasizing and recognizing the positive things students are doing in school builds community and encourages students to enjoy school.
  • Faculty and staff receive training on Elk Meadows Rules at the beginning of each school year.
  • Parents receive information about the Elk Meadows Rules at and at the beginning of each school year during registration.

Safe School Policy

The following link is Jordan School district policy AS67 NEG regarding dangerous and disruptive behavior on school property.  Elk Meadows will be following this policy when addressing these behaviors with students.

Students who violate the Safe School Policy will face disciplinary action in the form of restitution, suspension, or referral to a district level hearing.

Cell Phones/Electronic Device Policy

The Jordan District Board of Education recognizes the importance of an educational environment that is conducive to high-quality teaching and learning. The Board also recognizes that personal electronic and communication devices are commonly used by students and although they can be valuable education and communication tools for students, they are also a source of distraction and disruption to the learning environment.

Elementary – Grades K-6
Student use of personal electronic and communication devices, including cellphones, laptops, tablet computers, smart watches, listening devices, wearable technology, and other similar personal electronic devices is not permitted during the school day. In extraordinary circumstances, exceptions may be approved by the school principal in consultation with their Administrator of Schools. Devices must be silenced and remain out of sight during the school day.

Consequences for Electronic Device Policy Violation

Elementary School

    1. 1st Offense: Verbal reminder/warning and notification to parent/guardian
    2. 2nd Offense: Device held in the office for pick-up at the end of the day by student and notification to parent/guardian.
    3. 3rd+ Offense: Device held in the office for pick-up at the end of the day by parent or guardian.
    4. Schools may implement additional consequences

Use of personal electronic and communication devices that violate state or federal law, any District policies or regulations, or the Jordan School District Acceptable Use Policy is prohibited.

Students may use personal electronic and communication devices during school-sponsored activities outside of the school day at District school campuses and while on District buses.

Schools may enact additional restrictions with support of the School Community Council, in consultation with their Administrator of Schools, and notification of the Board

Food, Drinks, and Gum

All food is restricted to the cafeteria unless authorized by a teacher for a class activity.  Gum is not allowed in school.  District policy prohibits the

  1. se of personal electronic and communication devices that violate state or federal law, any District policies or regulations, or the Jordan School District Acceptable Use Policy is prohibited.
  2. Students may use personal electronic and communication devices during school-sponsored activities outside of the school day at District school campuses and while on District buses.
  3. Schools may enact additional restrictions with support of the School Community Council, in consultation with their Administrator of Schools, and notification of the Board.

distribution of any homemade foods.  All foods must be commercially prepared, packaged, and within approved dates.  If providing a food item for your student’s class, please do not provide items containing peanuts or peanut oil, as these are highly associated with food allergies.

Dress Code

Elk Meadows follows the Jordan School District Policy AA419 Student Conduct and Dress.  Please see the link below for the district policy.

Attendance Policy

If your student is ill and you are keeping him/her home, please call the office to let us know that your child will not be attending school.

Please do not send your child to school early! There is no supervision on the playground before or after school and they will not be invited into the building as our staff uses this time to prepare and they are not available to work with students.

The following link is Jordan School district policy AA432 Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statement.  Elk Meadows will be following this policy when implementing attendance in the school.

Medication at School

Utah Law states that school personnel may only administer medication to a student if the student’s legal guardian has provided a current Medication Authorization Form (blank forms are obtained in the office).  The form must be signed by a physician and state that the medication must be administered to the student during regular school hours, and describe the exact method, amount, and time schedule for administration. Authorized medication should be brought to the office by the parent.

This means that students CANNOT bring any type of medication to school.  Therefore, they may not share any kind of medication with friends, including over the counter medications such as cough drops or aspirin.

The following link is Jordan School district policy AS085 Medication in the school setting.  Elk Meadows follows this policy when implementing medication at school.

Guidelines for Meal Purchases

  1. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their student has money in their account or has an application on file for free or reduced meals.
  2. Students will be notified when their accounts contain $5.00 or less.
  3. Payment reminders will be sent home with students and through email.
  4. All lunch accounts must be brought current by the end of the year.

Elk Meadows follows the Jordan School District Policy AA446 Wellness through Nutrition and Fitness.  Please see the link below for the district policy.

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