Hello Elk Meadows Falcons, my name is Tiffany Smith and I am thrilled to be the Principal at Elk Meadows! Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have always loved working with children. For my first job, I worked summers during my high school years running summer camps for elementary school age children. I later attended college at Utah State University, go Aggies!!! I received my Masters of Educational Leadership at Southern Utah University. I have worked as a second and third grade Spanish Dual Immersion teacher, a PE teacher, an instructional coach, and an Assistant Principal. I want to tell you all a little bit about what I love to do outside of school. I love to spend time with my family. We have one daughter and her name is Holland. My husband, Mike, and I also have a goldendoodle named Perry. We love to go on hikes, eat Mexican food and take vacations to sunny places! I can't wait to get to know each of you throughout the school year.
- Tiffany Smith
- Email: tiffany.smith@jordandistrict.org
- Office: 801.446.3200
- Fax: 801.302.4926